The BS File #2

The BS File #2

Welcome back to part 2 of hormonal shit.

I have done A LOT of damaging things to my body over my 51 years but that doesn’t mean that I have to keep doing it. With that said, let’s get into the shit I am working on.

Since I have been feeling all sorts of nuts during this season of my life (perimenopause). I have been on a deep, deep dive on endocrine disruptors. I’m talking about the products that are full of pthalates, parabens, pesticides and more things that are harmful to our bodies. Once you go down this rabbit hole, it’s hard to ignore the poison we put ON, IN, and AROUND our bodies.

Just think of the things we use regularly, from body lotion, deodorant, shampoo, bath soap, toothpaste, perfume and makeup. Hell, even our cleaning supplies, laundry detergents we wash with, and the candles we burn. Toxins are in fucking EVERYTHING. It’s alarming really, because we are poisoning ourselves daily. We have just been oblivious to it.

Now I’m not naive in believing that I can get rid of all of it or replace everything I own at once. I’ve been researching and slowly trying new, safER products. I will be sharing some of the things I’ve found. I haven’t found safe replacements that I love for everything just yet but I’m trying.

Branch basics is my favorite so far for cleaning. I swear to you the first time I cleaned with it and didn’t get a headache, I was SOLD. You can order the starter kit and even pay in 4 for it. It comes with a concentrate and empty bottles with directions on them for how much of the concentrate to add to each item.

I started using goat milk lotions and soaps. I have used Beekman, and a friend from Instagram Meraki Wellness By Devi sent me her handmade soaps and I loved them. You can buy soaps and lotions locally, from farms, and farmers markets. Just check the ingredients. Beef tallow lotions are all the rave right now too.

I started using Plur deodorant Vanilla Skin Natural Deodorant – Phlur and I like that pretty well. It’s nontoxic and I don’t stink, so WINNING. This bish has some strong ass hormones. I sweat like a man.

I haven’t found clean shampoo and conditioner I like yet, or makeup. Stay tuned while I keep searching. I did try Bare Minerals foundation but I’m still on the fence. It seems great but it may not be the best for my fine lines.

I found THE brand for skin care and perfume and I am chomping at the bit to share that. I am a perfume snob and I’ve tried MANY. So to find a clean perfume that I love is HUGE. I’ll talk about that in the next week or two.

All we can do is try to do better. We are aware now. We know that a lot of the things in our daily products are not good for us. It doesn’t mean we have to throw everything away, but when we run out and need to purchase more, choose a cleaner option.

Our hormones, and our health fucking depend on it. Nobody, and I mean NOBODY will advocate for you more than YOU.

As always, share your favorites with me as well. I want to hear from you. Many of you have been on this journey way longer than me.

We are stronger together,


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